We are all in a constant state of emergence; we are still building this page.
Please let us know if you have questions that are not answered below, so we can add them here. (info@manypathways.ca)
How many spaces are available?
Space is available for 70 organizations, split between a September program start and a January program start. Pathways is developed in partnership with the BC Arts Council and as a result 50% of the seats will be reserved for BCAC Operating Assistance clients. The remaining seats will be open to BC-based arts, culture, and heritage organizations (funded by BCAC or not) and prioritized to ensure a diversity of participants, including small-to-medium-sized organizations across the province that have limited resources or historically lacked access to opportunities.
Equity and access work is ongoing and does not end, this program is designed for organizations that are at all stages of learning from just beginning this work to organizations who are leading in the field and are focused on furthering their work. Pathways invites participants to join a community of learners which will allow for relationship building and peer learning.
How are organizations being selected?
We hope to support a diverse array of arts and culture organizations that reflect different disciplines, regions, communities, size, access to learning opportunities, and stages of their equity journeys. Pathways is developed in partnership with the BC Arts Council and as a result 50% of the seats will be reserved for BCAC Operating Assistance clients. The remaining spaces are open to any BC-based arts, culture, and heritage organizations, though our intention is to hold 50% of these spaces for equity-deserving communities.
To apply for this program, interested organizations will complete a brief expression of interest (EOI) form. This is to help the program team ensure that we have many different voices and lived experiences in the program.
Expressions of interest will be reviewed on a rolling intake, with the final deadline for submissions being July 21, 2024 (for the Fall start date)
What is the criteria?
Organization Criteria
- Be a BC-based arts, culture, or heritage non-profit organization or collective
- Have two people from the organization commit to working together in the program for one year
- Commit to supporting participants in implementing more equitable practices into the organization
Participant Criteria
- Be interested and invested in ongoing learning about access and equity
- Be in a position to influence change within their organization
- Be willing to provide feedback and contribute to the shaping of this program
- Agree to the program code of conduct
Why two people? Who can they be?
In developing the Pathways Program, a theme emerged from other programs we connected with, organizational and sectoral change isn’t something easily accomplished by one person. Change requires collaboration to be sustainable. By participating with a learning partner, each person will have access to someone within the organization to share ideas and provide support.
Organizations are able to send any two individuals (staff, volunteers, or contractors) who are committed to learning, unlearning, and taking action – and are in a position to influence change in their organization. This will be different for different organizations. We encourage organizations to select individuals who will be best positioned to support action with the organization during and after the program and who are supported in sharing their learning and ideas with the broader organization. Please reach out to us if you need help selecting participants. info@manypathways.ca
We have a very committed team and Board. Can more than 2 people participate in the program?
In order to ensure that program Guides have sufficient time and capacity to support the individuals in the program, we cannot allow more than two people per participating organization to participate in cohort-based programs and Guide sessions. However, many of the resources shared in this program are open and freely accessible to everyone. We encourage the participating individuals to share their learnings with their broader communities and organizations and invite others to the open learning opportunities. We also encourage organizations with additional capacity to plan larger internal group reflection and implementation sessions throughout the year.
How many hours will I need to commit to this program?
Both participants from your organization must commit to a minimum of 5 hrs per month for one year. This is the minimum time commitment we feel is needed for the program to have impact on your organization. This MINIMUM is intended for those with extremely limited capacity and the expectation is that organizations with larger budgets and staff will commit additional time to the program.
I am very committed. Can I put more time in?
Yes! There is no maximum number of hours you can put into this program. Participants will have the opportunity to co-create a learning plan with their Guide, which will include the number of hours you wish to commit. The Pathways team works to compile learning opportunities such as resources, recordings, workshops, online courses, and readings that focus on justice, equity, diversity, inclusion, and access. Individuals participating in the Pathways Program will have access to curated resources and live-training opportunities to expand and continue their learning journeys.
Is there flexibility? We are very busy certain months of the year.
Organizations will work with a program Guide to co-create a year-long learning plan. We recognize that many organizations have times of year where their capacity is completely maxed out. The goal of this program is to balance continual learning with the realities of operating small to medium-sized arts, culture, and heritage organizations.
Can the 2 participants have different learning plans?
Yes. Although there will be an overall plan and goals for the organization, the 2 participants may have different learning styles, schedules, or amount of time to commit to the program. Everyone entering the program will have their own experience, the 2 participants may be at different places in terms of equity and access.
How much will this cost our organization?
The Pathways program operates on a mutual aid/community care model. Depending on the needs of your organization and the individuals involved, the cost of the program will be on a sliding scale ranging from a small fee, to free, to receiving a stipend to participate.
Will I be assessed or judged?
No. Pathways is built on prinicipals of support and community. We are comitted to meeting participants and organizations where they are. There is no assessment or judgement.
Is there any kind of certification at the end?
At this stage we will not be issuing participants or organizations that complete the Pathways Program a certificate. We hope this program inspires an ongoing commitment to learning and feel that issuing a certificate implies that this learning process is “complete.” Through participating in the Pathways Program, individuals will co-develop a reflection package based on their learnings and discussions with their peers and program Guide. This package will serve as a tangible reflection of individuals’ learnings and organizational change, and support participants in articulating their experience and progress.
Does Pathways provide consulting services?
Pathways does not include consulting services. Pathways is centred on building a community of practice around themes of equity and access, providing space and opportunity for learning and reflecting. While Guides provide one on one support, they do not act as equity and access consultants or replace the need to hire a professional to do deep policy work or strategic planning. Your Guide will support you through the year: to identify learning goals and opportunities; to reflect on what you are learning and approaching through your work in Pathways; and support you as you make decisions on how to best implement what you are learning into your work and organization. You will have the opportunity to join a peer cohort group that meets monthly, providing discussion topics, open dialaogue, and peer support.
Do you need to be receiving BCAC grants to be eligible?
No, this program is open to not-for-profit arts, culture, and heritage organizations in British Columbia. Please see program criteria HERE.
If you are unsure of your eligibility, please contact us at info@manypathways.ca and we can help to answer your questions.